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Thursday, September 30, 2004



If UTS did as the University of Minnesota has done, and provided access to Moveable Type to all faculty members, students, and alumni, we also could have categories!

see: UThink

(which is only a third and a little bit towards a new and Ufabulous UTS slogan - UThink, UChange, UDo)


Hey! I've worked out a way for people who use Blogger to allow readers to search by category - it's a bit convoluted, but I think it will work.

Basically at the top of a Blogger page is a thin bar with a search box in it. This search box only searches the blog that it's on. So, if I put keywords/tags/categories into each of my posts, then put a list of those tags at the side of my blog (for example) along with instructions for people to put them into the search box, then say if a person put in "politics" then they'd get all of the posts I'd tagged with "politics".

As I say - it's convoluted - but I'll start using it as it'd be a good way for me to be able to find my own stuff.


Want a simple, easy-to-understand way to do categories for Blogger? Hop over to Blogger Tricks and Tips. This is actually a revised post of the original post at Blogger for Dummies where you can just copy-paste and modify the hyperlinks for your categories. Do have a look and let me know what you think of it.


Want a simple, easy-to-understand way to do categories for Blogger? Hop over to Blogger Tricks and Tips. This is actually a revised post of the original post at Blogger for Dummies where you can just copy-paste and modify the hyperlinks for your categories. Do have a look and let me know what you think of it.

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